FunnyFeed Submission Guidelines
WebcomicsFeed is excited to announce that, starting on August 1st 2022, we will be publishing a curated collection of comic strips (on a daily basis) on our website and delivered by email to our subscribers. We are inviting all comic creators to submit their comics for consideration.
Here are the guidelines
- Number of Cartoons: Submit at least 24 comic strips so that we can judge the quality and consistency of your work.
- How to Submit: Create an account on WebcomicsFeed, add your comic strip (make sure to indicate whether you want it be considered for publication in FunnyFeed), and schedule your comics.
- Number of Panels: 2-10 panels in length
- Format: You will be required to upload both a desktop/traditional and vertical/webtoon format.You can see a demo of that here.
- Sizes: Desktop – 1080px wide and a maximum of 1920px tall, mobile – a maximum of 1080px wide and 1920px tall (for each sliced image).
- Audience Age Rating: The comic strip must be suitable for all-ages, please keep content at a PG-13 level (no strong language, graphic violence, nudity, sexual situations please).
- Compensation: $5 per comic plus a share of 30% of WebcomicsFeed’s total membership revenue. Payment will be made via PayPal at the end of every month.
- Rights: We are paying for one-time publication rights and do not require exclusives; your work is ultimately yours to keep.
- Deadline: All comics for the upcoming month should be scheduled by the last Friday of the current month at 11:59 PM CST.
- Schedule: Comics to be published will be scheduled one month ahead of time.
- First round: First round of comic strips will be published on August 1st.
We look forward to seeing your comic strips.
Good luck!
Step 1:
Create an account and login.
Step 2:
Search for the comic to make sure it is not already in our system. If it is, skip to Step 4.
Step 3:
If the comic is already in the system, and you do own it, go to the comics page and claim the comic.
Step 4:
Add your comic into the system by clicking the Add comic menu in the top navigation bar.
Step 5:
Proceed to upload comics by clicking the 'Publish' button in the top upper right section of the navigation bar and then click the "Add Update" button - - for the comic.